Вместе.ру: соцсеть для соседей

by Input Lab LLC



Communicate, learn about the life of the house and the area, influence its development, exchange things, help each other and develop your business. One application instead of 1000 chats!DISCUSS WHAT IS INTERESTING AND IMPORTANTUnite with your neighbors in communities at the address of your residence and discuss any topic: from the best place to go out of town on weekends to sections for children. You choose the scale: from neighbors on the porch to residents of the whole region.LEARN ABOUT THE LIFE OF THE HOUSE AND THE NATION AND INFLUENCE ITS DEVELOPMENTPublish news, solve everyday issues, conduct polls or organize joint meetings: picnic, yoga classes, jogging, cycling, and everything that is interesting for you and your neighbors.SELL, BUY, EXCHANGEPost ads, sell, buy or trade things with your neighbors. If you like something, you dont have to go far.FIND WORKERS AND HELP YOUR NEIGHBORSSolve everyday affairs: find specialists among your neighbors. Appliance repairs, dog walking, manicures—anything you might need help with. Or help yourself: for example, you can meet a courier or water flowers.YOUR NEIGHBORS ARE YOUR CLIENTSConnect your personal account for business: track the number of sales, the list of clients and the work of performers. Develop your business together with those who live nearby.Neighbors are good.